Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You Didn't Know - that he worked on the weekends -AS LOVERBOY!!

This picture and the previous "Orange Glow" picture were captured on what is now my last visit to the ole ranch this last summer. This image of "Loverboy" was snapped during the construction of a "Patio Recreation Unit."
Today is Veteran's Day. I am drinking coffee, listening to a cranked up "Morrison Hotel"-
A deer passed onto the hill to the west and is looking my way. Soon I will venture outside to find and hug my own peace frog. The deer moved on, out of sight. And so are The Doors. Land Ho!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Foot and Hand Fevers

An affliction shared by few and understood by less.
The heating up and slight swelling and unbearable itching.
It can drive an insane man mad.
Many a night I have scratched nearly to the bone; leaving me to deal with the resultant scabs for weeks.
A terrible waste of time; oh the accomplishments never accomplished!
Once, in an effort to gain access between my little and fourth toe, I pulled too greatly at my littlest toe.
I strained too mightily. I felt the tearing of tendons and muscle as I achieved the balance of a lunatic.
The itch was appeased, but the injury left me with an embarrassing sentence.
Seven days I lurked awkwardly and unsteadily with a slight limp.
No freezing chemical spray; no caring ointment or balm.
No hope for understanding; no chance for honest sympathy.
The struggle to survive in the hell of my own hands and feet continues.