Thursday, September 3, 2009

Molly Murakami: for everyone and especially Mr. Cummings

First, Molly's test came back and all is well. Thank you all for the positivity. Thank you.

My blogging has become a bit backed up and I hope to loosen the bowels a little real soon.

But first, I know, Stephen, that you have a Murakami ticker on your site and that you are a big fan. It is certainly an author that I have been interested in reading but have not, until last night. In the next week or two I hope to teach "The Seventh Man" to my tenth grade class as part of a short story unit. Since I am newly exposed to Haruki, I thought I would ask for any insights that you might care to share regarding the author and or the story. Anybody else is welcome to chime in as well, of course.



Stephen Cummings said...

Wow, at least I'm not the only one feeling backed up in blogworld.

I've read most of the Murakami books during the fall and winter, and its getting to be that time again. I was thinking of taking Wild Sheep Chase with me to Minnesota. Seventh is from Blind Willow Sleeping Willow, and I'll take that, too. I haven't read it since 2006. That and Elephant Vanishes. So, I'll get back to you.

Aaron said...

Glad to hear all is good with Molly. I had a mole removed a couple of years ago, and it was negative. It was also removed from a spot that would have been nearly impossible to see looking at me naked, and made it less than comfortable for me to sit for about a week after. I was not knocked out. Just a little local, and then I was bent over the exam table. Good times...

Dan said...

I said an audible "gaah!" at least three times while reading Aaron's comment.