Thursday, September 3, 2009

Molly Murakami: for everyone and especially Mr. Cummings

First, Molly's test came back and all is well. Thank you all for the positivity. Thank you.

My blogging has become a bit backed up and I hope to loosen the bowels a little real soon.

But first, I know, Stephen, that you have a Murakami ticker on your site and that you are a big fan. It is certainly an author that I have been interested in reading but have not, until last night. In the next week or two I hope to teach "The Seventh Man" to my tenth grade class as part of a short story unit. Since I am newly exposed to Haruki, I thought I would ask for any insights that you might care to share regarding the author and or the story. Anybody else is welcome to chime in as well, of course.
