Tuesday, November 4, 2008

YES!!!!! YESSSSSS!! WOW!!!!!!!!

I have not refreshed so much since keeping track of Utah Jazz scores in the late nineties. Back and forth, I was losing hope,and Trista came down and told me that O was ahead! What...and then....BLUE!!!!!! I could not believe how close it was...watching the counties, hoping for the best, watching huge swings within individual percentage increases...

Somehow I got my report done, but now I must sleep. Dream of the Blue Obamas tonight!


Pat said...

Way to go Indiana!

C.F. Bear said...

IIIIIIIIIIII knew it would be good. It was all because of you Gibbs that Indy became a transformer. Democrat........ in...... dequise........!

Dan said...

Good job, IN!

Dan said...

...though everyone knows that Gibbs would much rather Indiana become a GoBot, than a Transformer.

Mighty Tom said...

you are correct sir

C.F. Bear said...

Gibbs would be Opposite Prime!

Stephen Cummings said...

Excellent work, Indiana.