Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Star Trek - Saw It

Thursday night kicked off an interesting weekend for me - more of which to follow, but it all kicked off with Molly being invited to spend the night at a friends house Thursday night - all we needed to head out the door for a trek across the stars with some old friends.

First, I really, really liked it. Loved it even. It has grown on me since leaving the theater.

Since Dan and Pat have made comments based on their experience - I'll build on their previously astute comments and observations.

Mixdorf's: "with Karl Urban pretty much channeling Deforrest Kelley" - I couldn't agree more -

I pretty much agree with Dan on the other characters - Sulu was purely based on being an Asian swordsman - nothing else to the character - perhaps future installments...Uhura was hot, but she was always hot in her way, just a little more junk in the trunk..Kirk - very good, great potential, not as good looking as Shatner, but how could anyone compete..

I loved Scotty (though he walked a cheesy line or two) and look forward to more of that maniac.

But, I wasn't crazy about Chekov, the accent seemed like a struggle and at times made it seem like he had a stutter while the rest of the cast visibly looked like they were exercising patience

Spock is a tough one, I hope he drops his "baby act" for future movies - long way to go with that character

Dan - I, too, was surprised (and touched) by the many many references to episodes and movies, beyond Space Seed and ST2.

They could have done so much more with the green animal woman.

The plot: Dan I think Vulcan still exists in the one reality - that was the whole deal with this movie. The plot was clever, at once satisfying the possibility of the two realities co-existing (for characters and the fans) yet connecting the two as well.

The Kirk birth was excellent - powerful and revealing. Vulcan and Romulus being blown up - WOW! That is huge. One wonders if the Klingons become dominant, unlike the federation dominated series of the 60s.

I could have used a little more information regarding Red Matter - gee - that is some powerful stuff, inject it a person, instant black hole, but really? How did they get it, how did they get so much, how do they contain it?

I LOVED LOVED the ship that Spock piloted. I saw it and I almost fell out of my chair. What a fucking crazy-assed space ship. That it was CG almost blows my mind. CG was taken to a new level. CG made something look like a tinker toy invention. I loved it. Of course Spock would be cruising around in that thing. That ship was nuts!!!!! Possibly my favorite ship of all time.

The Enterprise was beautiful. She always was. But wow, again with the effects, but wow - I've never seen a ship on screen where you could feel its structure being knocked around by force - so solid, yet so fragile too. Excellent take on the Enterprise.

I do agree with Mixdorf's take on the Romulan ship. It was related to the ship from Nemesis, but yes - what an awful design.


"And since when would it Starfleet protocol to shoot a disobedient officer off onto a dangerous and largely uninhabited planet? To have that result in a meeting with both future Spock and Montgomery Scott is truly plot shenanigans."

That was a little wild. I suppose if you consider time, in that certain people will meet certain people, if it enters into the realm of destiny, Kirk would have to meet Scotty so he could be his engineer, Spock was a wild card, for sure.

The grand canyon thing didn't bother me, that could be any number of things, probably just the swift moving Iowa River doing its work.

Dan - I totally understand what you are saying about Nimoy. Ouch. It looks as though that was all dictated by fear. Fear of fan response. It should have all stayed in the cave (Plato's Cave) and only between Spock and Kirk - Spock should have never talked to HIMSELF!!!! What were they thinking. It really should have all stayed in the cave with Spock giving us a little more reason as to his reaction upon seeing Kirk (or at least reason into his insight).

I enjoyed it. I look forward to future movies. I hope they do not always involve the Klingons and that tired set of politics.

Excellent fun.